Thank You For Sticking With Us During These Challenging Times

Thank You For Your Continued Support Through a Challenging Year
Thank You For Your Continued Support Through a Challenging Year

Good morning! This is Tom Heath with The Heath Team at Nova Home Loans. Today is November 23rd and this is our weekly update on mortgage and real estate related matters.

Being the week of Thanksgiving, I just wanted to take a moment and give thanks. Thanks to you, thanks to my team, thanks to the support staff at Nova. It’s been a challenging year without a doubt, we all know that. Things that we’ve gone through this year were not even on the radar at the beginning of 2020. There’s been a lot of pain and suffering in our community, in our nation and in our world.

In the real estate and mortgage industries, our business has been somewhat immune. And in fact, it’s been a very strong year for business. This doesn’t negate the pain that’s out there but I am thankful to be in an industry that is immune to the effects of what’s going on.

I’m very thankful to my support staff, to the team members who directly work with me, Wendy, Angie Trevor, Haley. These individuals have worked tirelessly to stay on top of the business the best that we can. We know we didn’t perform as well as we would have liked. We know that there’s improvements to be made, but you stuck with us, you’ve been patient with us, and I would really appreciate the opportunity to return the favor and knock it out of the park for you in 2021.

We’re putting systems in place, we’re hiring or making decisions to make sure that we can return to that top level service provider that you’ve come to count on. It’s been a challenging year. It’s been great to work with professionals like yourselves and I really appreciate and I’m thankful for your support.

If I can ever be of assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out our call. Check out our website: for more information on what’s going on in the market and stay up-to-date on trends. Hope you have a fantastic week. I hope your Thanksgiving is very reflective. Stay safe and we’ll talk to you next Monday.